Section 1. This organization shall henceforth be known as the Texas A&M Chapter of Phi Eta Sigma National Honor Society.
Section 2. The Constitution and Laws of Phi Eta Sigma National Honor Society shall serve as the Constitution of this chapter. By-laws hereinafter prescribed shall serve to govern this chapter with the National Constitution at all times being the supreme authority.
Purpose and Goals
The purpose of Phi Eta Sigma is to encourage and reward academic excellence among freshmen. The goals of the organization are to promote excellence and to serve the community. This organization will also serve as the Texas A&M Chapter of the national organization and aid in the achievement of any of the national goals.
Section 1. The members of the Texas A&M University Chapter of Phi Eta Sigma National Honor Society shall be those students who are deemed qualified for membership by stipulations provided by the National Constitution and who shall be initiated in accordance with provisions of the Ritual of Phi Eta Sigma National Honor Society. Membership is offered to all freshman men and women who have a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.5 on a 4.0 scale at the close of any curricular period of at least twelve hours during their first year. Any member transferring to Texas A&M University with active membership in a recognized active chapter in any other College or University or one who may have become duly qualified for membership shall occupy the same status as though his/her qualifications were a result of enrollment at Texas A&M University.
Section 2. Duly initiated members who are students at Texas A&M shall be considered active members if:
-They acquire two general meeting points by attending two general meetings each semester
-They acquire a social point attained by stipulations set by the officers each semester
-They acquire a service point attained by stipulations set by the officers each semester
-The requirements will start with the semester following their induction.
Section 3. Active members will be eligible for graduation cords if they meet the attendance requirements during their enrollment at Texas A&M. Inactivity does not render a loss of PES membership only a loss of the opportunity for graduation cords from PES. Lifelong membership in PES does not require active status in the TAMU Chapter of Phi Eta Sigma.
Section 4. If a PES member has a conflict with the attendance requirements, they must contact the Secretary to arrange a plan to continue as an active member before the end of the semester in question. Excuses include a university excused absences, the officer duties of another recognized student organization, and an academic conflict such as a test or tutoring another student.
Section 5. In order to appeal, a member must contact the President and Secretary of Phi Eta Sigma in order to set up an appeal panel made up of the officers to hear the members circumstances before rendering a judgment on the active status of said member
The member will be informed of the result of the appeal panel within 24 hours by email.
Section 4. Honorary membership in the Texas A&M University Chapter of Phi Eta Sigma National Honor Society shall be conferred in accordance with the National Constitution of Phi Eta Sigma National Honor Society.
Section 5. Procedures for the discipline of members involve removal of membership privileges, such as meeting and service event attendance and the right to apply for the membership scholarship. The decision to discipline a member will be made by all officers and advisors. The member should receive notice of this meeting and be given an opportunity to share his/her perspective on the issue at hand. If necessary, membership may be removed by a unanimous vote by all officers and advisors in a private meeting.
Section 6: Members can be removed for violating local, state, and federal laws; falling under the GPR requirement; failure to fufill their responsibilities; wearing Phi Eta Sigma insignia during inappropriate activities; and any other instances that portray Phi Eta Sigma in a negative light or threaten the survival of the organization.
Section 1. The officers of the Texas A&M University Chapter of Phi Eta Sigma National Honor Society shall be active or duly inducted members elected to their respective positions by the officers of Phi Eta Sigma. Nominations shall be limited. Executive Officers (President, VP, Secretary, Treasurer, Historian, and the Communication Chair) need to be filled by officers from the previous year if possible. The candidates for President need to receive a vote of confidence from a general meeting of the Phi Eta Sigma members before being elected by the officers. The vote of confidence can be attained by a voice vote as per Robert's Rules of Order. Election of the executive officers will be done at an officer meeting by secret ballot with the ballots being counted by the advisor. If an executive officer position is not filled by an officer of the previous year, then an application will be made for an active general Phi Eta Sigma member to fill it. Administrative chairs will be filled by former officers who wish to continue to serve as officers in Phi Eta Sigma. If an administrative chair position is not filled by a former officer, then an application will be made for that position and distributed to active members of Phi Eta Sigma. Elections for these positions will be by secret ballot at an officer meeting among the Phi Eta Sigma officers.
Section 2. Officers shall be elected at a meeting to be called by the President after the Spring Initiation Ceremony. The Standing Executive Committee must make full utilization of all practical means of notification of active members of said meeting. Terms of office and the officers thus shall begin at the start of the next school year and shall extend throughout the school year. If selected as an officer, officers must be able to serve for the entirety of the term.
Section 3. The officers of this organization must meet the following requirements:
a) Have a minimum grade point ratio (GPR) as stated below and meet that minimum GPR in the semester immediately prior to the election/appointment, the semester of election/appointment and semesters during the term of office.
1) For undergraduate students, the minimum GPR is 2.00. In order for this provision to be met, at least six hours (half-time credits) must have been taken for the semester under consideration. In one limited circumstance, summer semester hours may be applied to this provision. In order for summer coursework to qualify toward a grade point ratio prior to election/appointment, at least six credit hours must have been taken during the course of either the full or two summer session(s).
2) For graduate level students the minimum GPR is a 3.00. In order for this provision to be met, at least four hours (half-time credits) must have been taken for the semester under consideration. In one limited circumstance, summer semester hours may be applied to this provision. In order for summer coursework to qualify toward a grade point ratio prior to election/appointment, at least four credit hours must have been taken during the course of either the full or two summer session(s) unless fewer credits are required as they complete the final stages of their degree.
(b) Be in good standing with the university and enrolled:
1) At least half time (six or more credit hours), if an undergraduate student (unless fewer credits are required to graduate in the spring and fall semesters) during the term of office, and
2) At least half time (four or more credits), if a graduate level student (unless fewer credits are required in the final stages of their degree as defined by the Continuous Registration Requirement) during their term of office.
(c) Be ineligible to hold an office should the student fail to maintain the requirements as prescribed in (a) and (b)
Section 4. An officer can be removed from office only by unanimous request for resignation by all other officers in a private meeting. The officer should receive a notice of the issue and is given opportunity to share his/her perspective. If the officer refuses to resign, a vote for removal by a two-thirds majority of club members present at the following scheduled club meeting shall be required to remove the officer. If an officer resigns or is removed, an election must be held to fill the vacancy. The election shall be held according to the rules for regular elections. The remaining officers shall assume the duties of the vacant office until it is filled.
Section 5: Officers can be removed for violating local, state, and federal laws; falling under the GPR requirement; failure to fufill their responsibilities; repeated unexcused absences at meetings; wearing Phi Eta Sigma insignia during inappropriate activities; and any other instances that portray Phi Eta Sigma in a negative light or threaten the survival of the organization.
Article V
Officer Duties
Section 1. The duty of the President shall be to preside at all meetings of the Chapter and to serve as Chairman of the Standing Executive Committee. He/She shall also serve as the official Phi Eta Sigma representative on all occasions calling for such a representative unless some other member has been duly appointed to represent the Chapter. The President shall call regular meetings, special meetings, and meetings of the Standing Executive Committee.
Section 2. The duty of the Vice-President shall be to serve as an assistant to the President, and in the absence of the President serve in his/her stead at any meeting or in the performance of any other duty regularly assumed by the President. In the event that the President should resign or cease to be an active member of Phi Eta Sigma or cease to be a student at Texas A&M University, then the Vice-President shall resign as Vice-President and assume the role of President. The Vice-President shall be responsible for overseeing the progress of the Administrative Committees. In the event that the Vice-President or both the President and Vice-President should resign or cease to be active members of Phi Eta Sigma or cease to be students at Texas A&M University, the active membership of the Chapter shall assemble at the call of the Faculty Advisor and elect officers to fill the vacancies and serve for the remainder of the unexpired term.
Section 3. The Secretary shall be responsible for all correspondence not hereinafter assigned to the Historian. If for any reason the Historian should resign or cease to be an active member of Phi Eta Sigma or cease to be a student at Texas A&M University, the Secretary will assume the responsibilities of the office of Historian for the remainder of that tenure of Office. The Secretary is responsible for keeping record of all active PES members and a tally of all member points. The Secretary attends all officer and general member meetings to update everyone on the point system and talk about the many ways members can earn points. The Secretary is to create a spreadsheet with member point totals and provide this to the Communications chair so they can publish it on the PES website.
Section 4. The Treasurer shall be responsible for all financial records. The Treasurer of Phi Eta Sigma is accountable for depositing all money due to the society and keeping a balanced budget during the academic year. In addition, he/she is responsible for collecting receipts when another officer has used their own money towards the organization's expenses. They must also reimburse the officer by filling out a check request form and giving it to the Student Organization Finance Center. If for any reason the Treasurer should resign or cease to be an active member of Phi Eta Sigma or cease to be a student at Texas A&M University, the Secretary will assume the responsibilities of the office of Treasurer for the remainder of that tenure of Office.
Section 5. The Historian shall be responsible for keeping a record of the activities of Texas A&M University Chapter of Phi Eta Sigma National Honor Society and individual members during the tenure of Office. The Historian shall be responsible for correspondence with the Editor of The Forum, keeping that Editor informed as to activities and achievements of the Chapter and of individual members of both active and inactive status. If for any reason both the Secretary and Treasurer resign or cease to be active members of Phi Eta Sigma or cease to be students at Texas A&M University, Historian will assume the responsibilities of the Secretary and Treasurer for the remainder of that tenure of Office.
Section 6. The chapter advisor to Phi Eta Sigma must be selected in accordance to the National Chapter and Texas A&M University. The advisor must be a Texas A&M University employee as defined by the Human Resources Department. The advisor will meet with the officers of the organization to discuss expectations for roles and responsibilities. The advisor will regularly attend executive as well as general meetings, as well as be available outside those meetings for advice and consultation related to operations of the organization.
The Standing Executive Committee
Section 1. The Standing Executive Committee shall consist of the elected and appointed officers of the Texas A&M University Chapter of Phi Eta Sigma National Honor Society.
Section 2. The Standing Executive Committee shall have, maintain, and delegate to committees, as deemed-necessary, all authorities and duties not in conflict with or denied it by the National Constitution or expressly delegated to officers and members of the Texas A&M University Chapter of Phi Eta Sigma National Honor Society which may be required to conduct, maintain, and develop the purposes and administration of Texas A&M University Chapter of Phi Eta Sigma National Honor Society.
Section 3. Each member of the Standing Executive Committee shall be required to read and be familiar with the National Constitution and the Chapter By-laws. In addition, each officer shall keep a copy of the Chapter By-laws in possession at Chapter meetings, committee meetings, and any other time when clarification may be necessary.
Administrative Committees
Section 1. Chairpersons for the Administrative Committees shall be appointed by the Standing Executive Committee.
Section 2. The Tutoring Committee shall insure that new members fill out tutoring cards and see that the tutoring file is kept up-to date, which includes removing cards from previous years and replacing them with cards from the current year's active members.
Section 3. The Membership Committee shall acquire the names of eligible members of the freshman class and contact them for initiation purposes.
Section 4. The Scholarship Committee shall distribute applications and select recipients of Phi Eta Sigma scholarships.
Section 5: The Publicity Committee shall be responsible for all forms such as newspaper advertisements, flyers, and telephoning members.
Section 6. The Service Committee shall organize and carry out projects designed for community service.
Section 7. The Social Committee shall be responsible for organizing Phi Eta Sigma functions that are strictly social in nature.
Section 8. Administrative Committees may be created, merged, added, or deleted as deemed necessary by the Standing Executive Committee.
Section 9. Ad hoc committees may be created by the Standing Executive Committee, to be in existence only for the duration for which the committee is needed.
Section 1. Revenues for the Texas A&M University Chapter of Phi Eta Sigma National Honor Society shall consist of the initiation fee, which shall be determined by the Standing Executive Committee and voted on by the Chapter.
Section 2. Expenditures shall consist of only those administrative expenses necessary for the existence, development, and recognition of the Texas A&M University Chapter of Phi Eta Sigma National Honor Society.
Section 3. All monies belonging to this organization shall be deposited and disbursed through a bank account established for this organization at the Student Organization Finance Center and/or the Fiscal Office. All funds must be deposited within 24 hours after collection. The advisor to this organization must approve and sign each expenditure before payment.
Section 1. The initiation ceremony shall consist of the Ritual prescribed by the Phi Eta Sigma National Constitution, and selection of membership shall be on the basis of requirements as enumerated in the National Constitution and Laws excepting honorary members herein provided for. Initiation ceremonies shall be held twice, one in the Spring and one in the Fall, and their dates shall be set by the Standing Executive Committee.
Section 1. Proposed amendments to the Constitution and By-laws of the Texas A&M University Chapter of Phi Eta Sigma National Honor Society shall be presented to the chapter at a chapter meeting in the exact form to be voted on, and shall be voted on at the next chapter meeting. The approval of two-thirds of the active members present shall be necessary to make the proposal part of the Constitution and By-laws. The said meeting shall be publicized by the officers of this chapter by full utilization of all practical means of notification of active members; and this shall fulfill the requirements of a quorum.
Section 2. Any change contemplated under the provisions of Article X, Section 1, may be introduced on recommendation of the Standing Executive Committee or upon petition by any active member to the body in assembly.
Section 3. The constitution is reviewed annually by a representative of the Department of Student Activities and is subject to the approval of the Department of Student Activities.
Section 1. This body of By-laws shall be considered as adopted, binding, and effective upon approval of the majority of active members present in a regular meeting of Texas A&M University Chapter of Phi Eta Sigma National Honor Society.